This post is about the pace of your @twitter posts
I will not discuss the pre-event marketing you have to accomplish 6 months out. Or one month out. Or 1 day out.
This is for the day of the tradeshow.
6AM on the day of - everyone waking up will search @Twitter for the @Twitter Handle and #Hashtags of the events. Use them in the 6 AM Tweet about your booth. Use the Booth Number.
15 Minutes to Go, 12 Minutes to Go, 5 Minutes to Go and +1 Minute after the start. Your Booth Number, Handle & Hashtag of the show and a photo. These 4 tweets will be looked at while people are waiting to enter the floor.
15 Pre-Lunch, Middle of Lunch and +1 After Lunch. People are scrolling - again Handle & Hashtag of the tradeshow with your booth number.
30 Prior to End of Day - Thanking everyone who stopped by.
2nd Day, 3rd Day - Same Schedule. For a 2 Day event that is 18 Tweets.
This is why it's good to have a event @twitter . If your brand/company is known for it's product/services - diluting the message with a single event can cause issuses. So if you are @Garmin, have @Garmin_Events. If you are @Pepsi, have @P_Tradeshow.
No one cares how many followers you have - this activity is for those searching during the event. Hashtag and Handle with your booth number over and over again.
Distribution is free, you can set these up ahead of schedule - helps people find you.